Premium screws for fast, time-saving screwing with little effort and reduced splitting effect.
With suki products come experienced experts who understand product complexity and the world of hardware in detail. This strength gets applied to every single suki display – you just tell us how much space you’ve got, what your customers and local competition are like. And we define the product composition, packaging sizes and display design so that it looks really good. We know the trends and understand consumer behaviour, advise you on your product range and help you restructure your hardware section efficiently.
Space-saving illuminated info boards
for best product information.
Product blocks
make recognising and finding the right products easier.
Different types of packaging
such as hanging boxes, sliding boxes, big packs and loose goods on one display ensure we always appeal to the consumer’s taste.
Double info
boards and large easy-to-read font provide more information about product groups and sizes.
suki PP Box
Solid packaging solution for storage with a large, informative label.